Personal Training, edinburgh, trainer, fitness, fit, gym, exercise,get, fitter
Fitness Testing
Fitness Programs
Sports Specific Training
Nutrition advice
Flexibility advice and training

Nutrition advice

Food is essential for life and a healthy, balanced diet will provide all the nutrients, minerals and vitamins that your body requires. Any diet must include a balanced mix of all the food groups (carbohydrates, proteins, fats).

Along with any fitness program, I will work with you to establish a realistic, workable nutritional plan that wil ensure that you are taking in enough of the right calories to provide the energy that you need. This plan will work round potential difficulties such as family meals/allergies/work commitments etc to ensure that the plan is easy to maintain.

If weight loss/control is to be successful in the long term, it should be combined with exercise to speed up the body's metabolism and encourage it to burn more calories/fat. Exercise, and more specifically muscle toning, can increase the amount of fat used by the body, even when you're sitting at your desk at work!


email me
Jim Hay, Personal Trainer